Our BloG

November 6, 2020

You Have A Choice When It Comes To Medical Imaging

You Have A Choice When It Comes To Medical Imaging

Choice is an important word, especially when it comes to medical imaging. When it comes to our healthcare, we often defer our ability to choose based on what our providers say. While our doctor has the expertise when it comes to our health, there are times that are okay to choose for ourselves. When you are referred for medical imaging, it is very common for a physician to send you to a center they are familiar with or use out of routine. You can always ask your physician why they recommended a particular imaging facility. It is important to know that you always have a choice where to go for imaging service. Now, of course we hope you choose Premier Imaging! The point is that YOU have the power to choose and should exercise it. Given the complexities of health care plans, choice is more important than ever. What you pay is also a matter of choice! At Premier Imaging, we accept all major insurances and we also offer affordable self-pay rates for those who are uninsured. We’ve got you covered. Take charge of your healthcare today!  Remember – it’s YOUR choice.

You have a choice in where you receive your medical imaging. Give us a call today at 203‑426‑3002 to learn more or schedule an appointment ›